We will continue to update this page as new publications become available. We are very happy to share our work at workshops, seminars and conferences so please get in touch if you would like to know more by contacting Prof Sarah Parsons: s.j.parsons@soton.ac.uk
Recent presentations of our work include:
- Workshops for education professionals and early years practitioners in West Sussex and Hampshire;
- Research seminars at the Universities of Cambridge and Sussex;
- The Portswood Teaching School Alliance Inclusion Conference, Southampton, January 2019;
- The Froebel Trust Conference, University of Roehampton, March 2019;
- Autism-Europe’s 12th International Congress, Nice, France, September 2019;
- Our ACoRNS ESRC funded Festival of Social Science event at Richard Taunton’s College, November 2019;
- Scottish Autism’s 50th Anniversary Conference, Innovation in Autism Practice, Glasgow, 2018.

We will also be presenting at the following rescheduled conferences:
- The International Froebel Society Conference, Edinburgh, June 2021
- The Inclusive and Supportive Education Conference (ISEC), University College London, August 2021
This project is based on earlier ESRC-funded research which is published here:
Parsons, S., Guldberg, K., Porayska-Pomsta, K., & Lee, R. (2015). Digital stories as a method for evidence-based practice and knowledge co-creation in technology-enhanced learning for children with autism. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 38(3), 247-271.
Guldberg, K., Parsons, S., Porayska‐Pomsta, K., & Keay‐Bright, W. (2017). Challenging the knowledge‐transfer orthodoxy: Knowledge co‐construction in technology‐enhanced learning for children with autism. British Educational Research Journal, 43(2), 394-413.